Diabetes is a condition when your pancreas is not producing enough insulin so the glucose in your bloodstream can reach its destination. It is a condition when your blood sugar (glucose) level is too high. Glucose is the instant source of energy in your body and you get it from your food and drinks.
Diabetes is a common condition in people of all ages. In the USA, 8.9% of the total population was diagnosed with diabetes as of 2021. With such a major population going through the same condition, it is evident for the people to take care of their health and be wary of what they consume so their blood sugar levels can be maintained.
Diabetes is a chronic condition but is manageable at all levels. All you have to keep in mind is to track what you eat and in how much quantity. A diabetic patient needs to consult their doctors at every move so they can keep track of their health and live a healthy lifestyle. By managing your lifestyle you can avoid the risk of many illnesses caused due to high sugar levels.
To understand the eating habits that a diabetic person should incorporate into their lives, you first have to understand the condition of diabetes. So let’s first dive into the basics of diabetes, starting with the types of diabetes.
Types of diabetes:
There are several types of diabetes, the most common among people being type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes:
Type 2 diabetes is most common in adults. There are two things that a person with type 2 diabetes has to face. The first one is that the body doesn't produce enough insulin and the other is the poor response of body cells to insulin.
Type 1 diabetes:
Type 1 diabetes is also called juvenile diabetes because it is a condition among adolescents. A person can develop type 1 diabetes at a very young age as well because the pancreas is making little or no insulin at all. Type 1 diabetes can be the result of genes or some viruses.
Prediabetes is a condition that develops when your blood sugar levels are high but not high enough to be labeled as type 2 diabetes.
Gestational diabetes:
Gestational diabetes is a condition that develops during pregnancy and usually is not prolonged for a lifetime. One thing you need to know is that a person with gestational diabetes has a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future.
Symptoms of diabetes:
If you have high blood sugar levels for constant time, it will be soon that you will detect other health issues as well. It is better to note the symptoms of diabetes so you can change your lifestyle accordingly.
If you have developed diabetes you would experience increased thirst and dry mouth. You would want to pee frequently. Your vision will be blurred and you will feel fatigued. You might also experience numbness or tingling in your hands and feet.
Causes of diabetes:
When the glucose consumed by your body does not get a passage to reach its destination that is provided by insulin, it keeps circulating in the bloodstream raising your blood sugar level. The causes of diabetes in each person differ with the type of diabetes they have developed.
Type 2 diabetes is mainly the result of insulin resistance. In this condition, the muscles, fat, and liver cells do not respond to insulin the way they are supposed to react. The major reasons for such non-reaction could be obesity, less or no physical movement, poor diet, hormonal imbalance, genetics, and medications (if they do not suit your body).
Type 1 diabetes is the result of attacks caused by the body's immune system to the cells that produce insulin in your body. There is one more type of disease called LADA (Latent Autoimmune Disease in Adults) that is caused by the same reason.
Gestational diabetes is caused by hormonal imbalances during pregnancy. You will not experience any symptoms of gestational diabetes only your doctor will check for it after 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is the result of the placenta releasing hormones that cause insulin resistance.
Health complications after diabetes is detected:
When your blood sugar level is high all the time, you need to change your lifestyle and make changes to your eating and living habits and how you move your body. It is important because if blood sugar levels are high for too long your body will face internal damages.
Diabetes will attack your tissues and organs because the damage has already been caused to your blood vessels and nerves. High blood sugar levels will damage your heart, kidneys, feet, and eyes.
Damage caused to the organs is the reason why you need to keep track of your lifestyle, food, and fitness. In order to ensure a healthy lifestyle after you have developed diabetes. It is vital for you to consider what food you should eat.
Food to include in your diet
Food is essential for the human body to function but when your pancreas is not producing enough insulin, not every food will react the way it should with your body. A diabetic person needs to make sure they eat healthy and check their portion size as well. However, it is best for a diabetic person to consult a dietician to help them prepare their diet plans. They need to add the following food to their diet:
Green leafy vegetables:
A diabetic person needs to eat food that is low in sugar. They will have to check the portions of food that have natural sugar in it. Green vegetables are one of the best options to include in your diet. Green leafy vegetables are rich in various vitamins and minerals essential for the human body.
Green leafy vegetables are rich in nutrients and low in calories not impacting your blood sugar level in negative ways. Green leaves are one of the healthy options that will benefit you by giving multiple health advantages.
Including spinach and kale will help you get vital nutrients, especially vitamin K which is essential to improve bone formation and healthy blood clotting. They both will help you improve the immune system as well because of their high content of vitamin C.
Protein-rich food:
Your body needs protein in a reasonable amount that would be helpful for your body. However, a diabetic person needs to be wary about choosing protein-rich food because they have to stay away from processed foods. Protein-rich food is a great way to lose weight and it is also essential for a diabetic person to include protein source food in their balanced diet.
Animal-based food products:
Meat and related products:
Meat and related products are foods with high protein content, but not necessarily a healthy option for a diabetic person. A diabetes patient needs to avoid salted and processed foods. Avoid salami, packed meat, and red meat because they all are not good for your heart health.
Salty foods are responsible for high blood pressure and a diabetic person needs to eat fresh meals. If you are looking to include various foods in your diet and want a personalized diet plan, you can consult a dietician who will help you reach your goal of healthy eating.
Avoiding some meat-related products does not mean you have to cut non-veg from your diet at all costs. You can include fish and seafood that will provide you with omega-3 fatty acids essential for reducing inflammation in blood cells.
Other options you can add are tuna, mackerel, and sardines all rich in omega 3 fatty acids and essential minerals and vitamins like vitamin B6 and B12, vitamin B12 and iron, calcium, and vitamin D respectively.
Chicken and eggs:
It is crucial for a diabetic person to add chicken and other poultry food products to their diet (if you eat non-vegetarian food). The chicken will provide you with lean protein content, antibiotics, and essential nutrients.
If you take 100 grams of chicken, it will contain 135 calories, 21 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat, 85 milligrams of cholesterol. Apart from these nutrients, you will also get multiple vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc.
Eggs for a healthy diet are beneficial when it comes to protein intake as a whole egg contains around 7 grams of protein. Along with that eggs contain potassium that helps boost nerve and muscle health.
Eggs are also good for eye health and brain health because they contain lutein and choline.
Plant-based protein:
If you do not prefer animal-based food products in your diet, you do not have to worry about the food options available to you. People who prefer vegan or vegetarian diets also have multiple options to include in their balanced diets if they are going through diabetes.
Plant-based protein products also have enough nutrients that help you maintain a balanced diet and keep you fit and away from health issues that diabetic people usually face after some time.
1. Lentils:
You should include lentils as they are a great source of protein and for people with diabetic patients, it helps to stabilize blood sugar levels because it contains insoluble fiber. Eating lentils in your diet helps to control cholesterol levels.
Since lentils are a great source of protein, they help you control your satiety as well, because protein helps control satiety levels and makes you feel like you are full.
2. Beans:
Adding beans in your diet will also help you get the right amount of protein helping a diabetic patient to curb the high blood sugar levels. Add beans like, black beans, kidney beans, and chickpeas that are rich in vitamin B and other essential nutrients. Prepare rajma, channe, and daal to eat with rotis or rice.
You can explore various culinary options when it comes to beans and lentils. Make sure you are eating these foods on a rotational basis. Don’t rely totally on beans if you are diabetic. A diabetic person needs to have a variety of food in order to let their body function properly.
3. Nuts:
Nuts are a great source of protein to consume as a snack or add to your daily diet for multiple health benefits. Add almonds, cashews, pistachios, and peanuts in minimal amounts. Avoid processed pistachios, cashews, and other nuts because they are salty and are not a good option for a diabetic patient. A small handful of nuts is enough for you to add to your daily routine.
4. Dairy products:
A diabetic patient needs to pay attention to their dairy consumption. Milk (skimmed), cottage cheese, tofu, tempeh, and Greek yogurt are a few options that a person who prefers a plant-based diet can include in their balanced diet if you have the condition of diabetes. These food products must be included as part of the diet and not the whole meal.
5. Avocado:
Add avocado to your diet to get insoluble fiber’s advantages. It will help in digestion and bowel movements. You might find it ‘tasteless’ but for a diabetic person, it is one of the best food products to include in your diet because they have less than 1% sugar content, less carbs, high fiber, and a good amount of healthy fats.
Food To Avoid:
A diabetic person has to take into consideration what they eat and how they eat. The above-listed food options are the safest for them so they do not have to face health issues in the long run, as diabetes will affect your heart, eyes, and kidneys once the condition is prolonged.
The first thing that a diabetic patient needs to stay away from is sweets. Fruits and vegetables have natural sugar content in them that will fulfill the requirement of sugar in your body. Eat apples as they are the best fruits to eat in the condition of diabetes. You can also include citrus fruits like oranges to curb the lack of vitamin C in your body.
Do not eat sweets like cakes, candies, chocolates, pies on a daily basis. Reduce such sugar products on a daily basis. Consuming sugary products once in a while is accepted but the consumption should be minimal at its best.
A diabetic person needs to limit their alcohol consumption as it will affect your blood sugar levels. A diabetic person will be on medicine and alcohol can badly impact the way your body responds to the medicines.
Coffee is the first thing that people prefer in the morning. Ensure you are not consuming coffee with cream or sugar as it is not healthy for your condition. Have black coffee in the morning without sugar and you will be energized for the day.
Fried food is a big no if you have diabetes. Exclude chips, crackers, fried chicken, fish, and snacks so your cholesterol levels can be leveled and are not affected by consuming such fried foods on a regular basis.
Diabetes is a chronic condition that is going to stay with you for your life. You have to ensure that you inculcate good living habits so you can control it and not let the condition control your life.
Making changes in what you eat, how you eat, and when you eat makes a huge difference when it comes to making lifestyle changes. If you are not sure how to incorporate a healthy lifestyle, you can visit a dietician who will help you make dietary changes in your life so you can lead a happy and healthy life.
Make sure you are consulting your own doctor before coming to any conclusion about adding food products to your diet. The doctor’s word is the most important thing when it comes to food choices for a diabetic person.