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Doctor Nafasjeet Singh

Doctor Nafasjeet Singh

Dr Nafasjeet Singh is a graduate in medical sciences from DY Patil University and a postgraduate in ENT from ERA University, He is a certified practicing Allergist and Immunologist from the renowned allergy institute VPCI Delhi and a member of European allergy society (EAACI). Dr Nafasjeet helps us in curating specialized diet for clients having food and other allergies to provide a nutrition rich food specially taking care of our allergic patients meals and helping us provide them a specialized menu for a balanced diet.

Weight Loss Drinks

Shedding a few pounds off your body can help you get into those clothes, or help you play with your children without...

Plant Based Protein Sources

Let's talk about protein. Since childhood we have been told how important it is to eat our greens and fruits, even if...

Is Coffee Beneficial For Your Health?

We open our eyes in the morning and the first thing we want is our cup of black coffee. It wakes us up, it makes us...

Benefits of Adding Soya Chunks to Your Deit

Soya chunks are a protein-rich food product made from defatted soy flour. These small, textured nuggets are created by...

Why diet plans fail

Discover why diet plans often fail and how to ensure your success. From quick fixes to restrictive eating patterns,...

Building Healthy Habits with Indian Food: A Nutritional Journey

Explore how Indian cuisine can be a cornerstone for building and maintaining healthy eating habits. Dive into a world...

Is Protein-Only diet good in the long run?

Discover the pros and cons of a protein-only diet versus a balanced diet. Learn about the benefits and risks, and find...

Powerful Proteins: Unveiling the Protein-rich Indian Meals

Discover the protein-rich Indian meals and learn how they can power up your health and wellbeing.
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1 Week Trial Meal Plan

Enjoy science based nutritious Indian meal for a week to hit goals.